Wednesday 21 August 2013

Weird Strollers! REALLY!!!

Hi, to everyone in the world again. I just wanted to let you all know I am a stroller freak and have loved and owned lots of different pushchairs in the last 14 years. I have had chunky ones to basic ones,bright and dull colored ones. There's so many different options you need to take in account when choosing for your little ones. Some are very cheap, others are ridiculously over priced. I love looking around stores and browsing the net for them. I came across some crazy looking ones. Here are some of my favorite ones.

You're probably thinking what the hell! Right?
I know I thought the same thing but the more I looked at them I thought they were pretty cool. What features do they have though?
Personally I would love to design a pushchair. Would you?
Let me know your views.

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