Thursday 22 August 2013

10 Inexpensive & Free Things To Do In School Holidays

Hey guys, if you are like me and have children that get super bored in their school holidays, then you will definitely something to come up with to help the boredom times.
We all hear, ''I'm bored'' all the time. I have to smile when I hear it because most children these days really do not know how good they have got it.
I have 5 children ranging in ages from 9 months to 14 years so our range of things to do has to be something for everyone. My house looks like a toy shop but still the kids are bored.
I know things can get a bit expensive, especially when you have a large family like I do. Another thing to take into account is that it's quality time the kids will rememeber, it's not always about big holdays and spending lots of money all the time. Well, here is a little list of things that you can do through the summer holidays. Check it out.

  1. Museums - Check out your local museums, most of them offer free entry and lots of free activities and events to do every week through the summer holiday season.
  2. Lemonade Stand or Bake Sale - Let the children make signs and give them a table to set up a stand, this is fun and helps them learn about money, buying and selling. You may have to front them $5-$10 to get them started.
  3. Movies or Cinema - Look at your local cinema/movies events as most of these franchises do cheap kids movies to watch a few times a week.
  4. Theme Days - You can create so much with this. You can choose a special color for the day to wear or characters, food and crafts. Pyjama day is a favorite in my house.
  5. Water Fights - When the sun is shining, splash, splash, splash. You can use the house, water balloons, buckets, bottles and lots more, they kids love it!
  6. Spring Cleaning Yard Sales - Have a sort out while cleaning as you go! Kids love this! Give them a box or trash bag to put all their unwanted toys in and when they have finished their rooms they can have a yard sale and sell their unwanted things. I spread this over 2 days, one for sorting and one for selling. Keeps them busy.
  7. Candy Scavenger Hunt - Buy a few larger bags of candy and have a scavenger hunt around the house and the backyard.
  8. Library - Check out what's going on at your local library as they have reading corner days and some even has crafts, they are usually free or very cheap.
  9. Garden Collage - (One of my favorites) Everyone go into the garden and find things from there. This could be sticks, pebbles, leaves and much more. Save cereal boxes or card and they can glue all the collected things onto these and make pictures, frames, tissue boxes, etc;
  10. Parks - Most of your local parks are running free events one day a week. Go to your park and have your face pinted, sit and create crafts, play with all their toys, chat and much more.
I hope these things help you and your family like they have mine. We have fun most days but we also have days in chilling out with just US. All of these things can be done as a family and that is the most important thing of all.

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