Tuesday 13 August 2013

Polka Dot Cake

Do you love unusual cakes? Well here is on. I was browsing the net and saw a photo of a polka dot cake and gave it a try. Here is my first Polka Dot cake.

I made it! I realised after we cut it that I had to place the dough balls correctly, but either way this was great and all the kids loved it!
This is very easy to make but quite a long drawn out process. Some of the steps can be done the day before actually baking the cake.
The cake batter is prepared in the cake tin and then you place your colored dough balls (cake pops) and bake as normal. I thought that because the cake pops were already cooked they would burn when the cake was being cooked but they didn't so I don't know what scientific thing happens there lol.
You do not have to do a double layer cake either, just a single layer will be just fine. I was feeling brave that day and the kids even decorated it.

Absolutely delicious and very different, any color and pattern can be used.
What would be your favorite colors?
I will be posting step-by-step recipe on my new up and coming website within the next few weeks, check it out at http://www.wymeaka.com

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